Protest in Brussels as new flight paths over-fly new areas, giving some respite to those previously heavily over-flown
In Brussels there has, for a long time, been a problem because of the division between the French speaking south of the city, and the Flemish speaking north. The airport is to the north east of the city, and traditionally the people living to the north have complained bitterly that they have had a disproprotionate number of flights, while many affluent areas to the south have had no over-flying. From the 6th February the government has brought in new flight paths, which disperse take-offs towards the west, so more fly over the areas to the south of the city. Flights start at 6am and continue to 11pm, though the new routes are meant to not be used for Saturday evening and during Sunday, if there isn’t a strong westerly wind. There has been huge protest in Brussels about this change, with furious citizens incensed that their peace, and their quality of life has been reduced. The changes have brought some relief to the other areas which previously took more than their fair share of the noise. Petitions and protests have been set up, and it is uncertain what will happen next. The situation is complicated by Belgian politics, and the separate interests of Flemish and Walloon sections of society.
A new citizen movement – PasQuestion – has been created, and is gaining traction. Their website is at translated in English.
There is information about the flight path changes at It page contains maps showing the old, and the new, flight paths over the southern (French speaking) part of the city.
Watermael-Boitsfort 200 people against the plan overview Brussels

Watermael-Boitsfort 200 people against the plan overview Brussels
What should have been an intimate congress of the local PS, minority Watermael-Boitsfort took on some momentum with the arrival of about 200 surprise guests who came to share how fed up they are. These are people of Watermael, Ixelles, Auderghem belonging to the group “No question” who are tired of aircraft noise, following the new plan overview that makes their days and their nights “hell” since February 1st.
“Everyone is affected in all areas, and we are completely shocked,” said one protester, when a teacher claims that “our children in the playground are constantly overflown by aircraft, clearly they are breathing kerosene. ”
” By 6am there is already a constant ballet, and at night it’s the same,” she continues. “I have not yet bought my double glazing, and even with the shutters closed I can tell you that I hear them take off, take off again and off every two minutes.”
Another member of the group regrets that “to relieve areas bordering the airport, we passed one of the worst schemes in the history of the management of noise from the airport.” He added that “contrary to what Mr Wathelet claims, we carried out the first objective studies about the subject and in total, there are more than 650,000 Brussels citizens who are flown.” A situation that he described as “unacceptable”.
He concludes: “We call for a moratorium, that is to say, going back to the old flight paths, to research and negotiate structural measures objectively and in consultation with all Brussels’ citizens.”
Everything that is said in this article can clearly also apply to La Hulpe where all flight paths of the new plan (including routes to the east of the Canal, the 19 to the southwest, the 07 south-west etc …) are concentrated over the northeast of the town and close (more often just above) a nursery school (the Lutins school). Without counting that after over-flying Brussels at a low altitude, these same planes accelerate at full throttle to properly start their climb above one of the most densely populated areas of the Walloon Brabant! A situation that is worse and therefore also in the center of Walloon Brabant.
Original in French:
07/04/2014: Watermael-Boitsfort 200 people against the plan overview Brussels
What should have been an intimate congress of the local PS, minority Watermael-Boitsfort took on some momentum with the arrival of about 200 surprise guests who came to share how fed up they are. These are people of Watermael, Ixelles, Auderghem belonging to the group “No question” who are tired of aircraft noise, following the new plan overview that makes their days and their nights “hell” since February 1st.
“Everyone is affected in all areas, and we are completely shocked,” said one protester, when a teacher claims that “our children in the playground are constantly overflown by aircraft, clearly they are breathing kerosene. ”
” By 6am there is already a constant ballet, and at night it’s the same,” she continues. “I have not yet bought my double glazing, and even with the shutters closed I can tell you that I hear them take off, take off again and off every two minutes.”
Another member of the group regrets that “to relieve areas bordering the airport, we passed one of the worst schemes in the history of the management of noise from the airport.” He added that “contrary to what Mr Wathelet claims, we carried out the first objective studies about the subject and in total, there are more than 650,000 Brussels citizens who are flown.” A situation that he described as “unacceptable”.
He concludes: “We call for a moratorium, that is to say, going back to the old flight paths, to research and negotiate structural measures objectively and in consultation with all Brussels’ citizens.”
Everything that is said in this article can clearly also apply to La Hulpe where all flight paths of the new plan (including routes to the east of the Canal, the 19 to the southwest, the 07 south-west etc …) are concentrated over the northeast of the town and close (more often just above) a nursery school (the Lutins school). Without counting that after over-flying Brussels at a low altitude, these same planes accelerate at full throttle to properly start their climb above one of the most densely populated areas of the Walloon Brabant! A situation that is worse and therefore also in the center of Walloon Brabant!
….. and there is much more …. in French, or imperfectly translated by Google
A petition has been set up, by people in Brussels now living under the new flight paths, and deeply resenting the new noise nuisance to which they are subjected.
Petition: STOP overflight Watermael-Boitsfort
April 2014
Author of the petition: the College of Mayors and Aldermen of Watermael-Boitsfort
STOP overflight Watermael-Boitsfort !
Since February 6, a new flight path flying Evere, Etterbeek, Auderghem and Watermael-Boitsfort (areas of Brussels) came into force.
It comes from a decision of the Federal Government to disperse noise pollution and relieve some districts hitherto highly overflown.
This route is used daily from 6 am to 23h by all aircraft taking off from runway 25R (the main runway airport) towards South-Eastern Europe (the majority of traffic at Brussels Airport). These aircraft make a left turn in the direction of the E411 highway. According to our information, this flight path is not used on weekends Saturday 4:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sunday, if weather conditions permit.
This route is likely to be used by about 40% of the air traffic taking off from runway 25R, more than 25,000 aircraft annually.
We the inhabitants of Watermael-Boitsfort and neighboring towns – ask the Federal Government to:
o Immediately suspend their plan to dispersion plane noise;
o Implement structural solutions to aircraft noise, such as the extension of the “night” period until 7am, the specialization of the Zaventem airport (Brussels airport) for passengers (not freight), the establishment of an independent supervisory body to control flight procedures, reducing the routes to the east … Without such solutions, any change in flight paths only moves the noise pollution from one municipality to another.
o Complete an environmental assessment demonstrating a decrease in the number of people over-flown prior to any decision to change routes.
o Link the regions and municipalities involved in the implementation of these new flight paths – ask the Government of the Brussels-Capital to:
o carry out the necessary checks to make meet the noise Brussels nioose standards and punish companies whose planes are in breach;
o file an action for annulment of the decision to change the flight paths from Brussels National airport,
o Enforce the municipalities of Brussels to be associated, to further discussion on the subject.
petitie van Author: College van Burgemeester in Schepenen van Watermaal-Bosvoorde
The original in French:
STOP au survol aérien de Watermael-Boitsfort
URL Courte :
Auteur de la pétition : le Collège des bourgmestres et échevins de Watermael-Boitsfort
STOP au survol aérien de Watermael-Boitsfort !
Depuis le 6 février, une nouvelle route aérienne survolant Evere, Etterbeek, Auderghem et Watermael-Boitsfort est entrée en vigueur.
Il s’agit d’une décision du Gouvernement fédéral visant à disperser les nuisances et ainsi soulager certains quartiers jusque-là fortement survolés.
Cette route est utilisée tous les jours de 6h à 23h par tous les avions qui décollent de la piste 25R (la piste principale de l’aéroport) en direction du Sud-Est de l’Europe (la majorité du trafic à Brussels Airport). Ces avions effectuent un virage à gauche en direction de l’autoroute E411.
Selon nos informations, cette route n’est pas utilisée les weekends de samedi 16h00 au dimanche 16h00, si les conditions météorologiques le permettent.
Cette route est susceptible d’être utilisée par environ 40% du trafic décollant de la piste 25R, soit plus de 25.000 avions chaque année.
Nous, habitants de Watermael-Boitsfort et des communes voisines,
– demandons au Gouvernement fédéral de :
o Suspendre immédiatement son plan de dispersion des nuisances sonores ;
o Mettre en place des solutions structurelles au bruit des avions, comme par exemple la prolongation de la nuit jusqu’à 7h du matin, la spécialisation de Zaventem en aéroport pour passagers, la mise en place d’une autorité de contrôle indépendante des procédures de vol, le recul des pistes vers l’Est, … A défaut de telles solutions, toute modification des routes aériennes ne fait que déplacer les nuisances d’une commune à l’autre.
o Réaliser une évaluation environnementale démontrant une diminution du nombre de personnes survolées préalablement à toute décision de modification des routes aériennes.
o Associer les Régions et communes concernées à la mise en place de ces nouvelles routes;
– demandons au Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale de :
o De réaliser les contrôles nécessaires visant à faire respecter les normes de bruits bruxelloises et sanctionner les compagnies dont les avions seraient en infraction;
o De déposer un recours en annulation de la décision visant le changement des routes au départ de l’aéroport de Bruxelles-National ;
o Tout mettre en œuvre pour être associée, avec les communes bruxelloises, à toute nouvelle discussion sur le sujet.
Huytebroeck angry: “The plan of survey of Brussels is a mistake”
For the Brussels Minister Evelyne Huytebroeck, it is time that the Minister Wathelet recognize that his plan rollover Brussels is a mistake.
April 2, 2014
“It is time that Mr. Wathelelet recognize that the scheme of distribution of air traffic it applies is a mistake. We need a moratorium, time for the next government to open an in-depth reflection on the future of the airport “said Wednesday the Brussels Environment Minister Evelyne Huytebroeck. Reacting to the Federal Secretary for Mobility broadcast on Bel RTL Wednesday morning, the Minister also expressed his ” anger “ at the persistence of M. Wathelet to say she did spread false maps traffic aircraft to and from the domestic airport. Secretary of State cdH denounced the use of “unacceptable “made by some Brussels policy file new routes to Brussels National Airport at election time. It is particularly taken deputy mayor FDF Auderghem Didier Gosuin he accused of ” lying “or the Brussels Minister Evelyne Ecolo Huytebroeck whom he accuses of having shown ” cards she knew to be false “ .
“The best sound level meter, it is the residents’ complaints”
” The fact that Mr Wathelet continues to claim that I posted fake cards makes me angry. Brussels Environment has established these cards initially plots official radars Belgocontrol , “commented Ms. Huytebroeck. Minister for the Brussels, apply such a plan a few months before the elections was a mistake M. Wathelet does not seem willing to take. ” The best meter, these are complaints that residents keep coming from all corners of Brussels “, has she added.
Evelyne Huytyebroeck once again called for a moratorium or a return to the previous situation ” which is far from ideal, but the most important is that finally opens a reflection on the future of airport operations “Has she said.
Ms. Huytebroeck recalled that pleaded for years for a ban on night flights and on the application of aerial night 23h at 7am and not 6H.
Bruxelles et tacle Gosuin, preuve à l’appui
Le secrétaire d’Etat à la Mobilité Melchior Wathelet a dénoncé mercredi sur Bel-RTL l’utilisation “inacceptable” faite par certains politiques bruxellois du dossier des nouvelles routes aériennes à l’aéroport de Bruxelles-National. Par voie de motions notamment, certaines communes du sud-est de Bruxelles contestent la mise en oeuvre de la nouvelle répartition des nuisances dont elles font désormais les frais.
02 Avril 2014
Mercredi, le secrétaire d’Etat cdH s’en est particulièrement pris au député-bourgmestre FDF d’Auderghem Didier Gosuin qu’il accuse de “mentir” ou la ministre bruxelloise Ecolo Evelyne Huytebroeck à qui il reproche d’avoir montré “des cartes qu’elle savait fausses”.
Wathelet a respecté les demandes de Gosuin
Invité de Bel RTL ce matin, M. Wathelet est revenu sur un courrier que lui écrivait Didier Gosuin en 2012, dans lequel il le pressait “d’éclater” la route aérienne. “Alors, c’est vrai qu’on a un peu éclaté”, ajoute M. Wathelet, selon qui les nuisances sont aujourd’hui réparties selon des critères rationnels, alors que l’ancienne route, essentiellement dérangeante pour les habitants des deux Woluwe, de Wezembeek et de Crainhem, ne répondait qu’à des griefs “politiques”.
Le devenir de Brussels Airport doit être sérieusement discuté
Dans le collimateur des communes d’Auderghem, Watermael-Boitsfort et Etterbeek se trouve le nouveau “virage gauche” qui amène les avions vers la route la plus courte en direction de la balise sur l’autoroute E411. Mais grâce à cela, un avion peut “monter plus haut plus vite” et donc “il fait du bruit moins longtemps”, justifie M. Wathelet. Le secrétaire d’Etat est d’avis qu’il faudra mener à terme une réflexion sur l’aéroport, son activité et ses pistes.